How to create new gmail account for others

You don't know how to create new gmail account for others? if you are unable to create a new gmail account then you have come to the right place. Today I will show you how you can open new gmail account for others.
How to create new gmail account for others
There are many of you who want to open new gmail account for others. I have create this post with you in mind.

How to create new gmail account for others

there are some step for create new gmail account for others. Let's learn about that step.
Step 1
if you want to make new gmail account for others right now then you have to open the Gmail app on your phone. if you want to make a new Gmail account for others using a computer or another device then you to open Chrome browser.
Step 2
After that you can see an option called Set up email, from here Select Google.
Step 3
Then you can see a Create Account new option called sign in. if you look closely you can see an option called create account. Then click on create account. Then click on this create account option and select for myself.
Step 4
Now you can see an option called Create a Google Account. here you have to give your first name and last name, So now enter your full name, and click on the next button.
Step 5
enter your date of birth and gender. the click on the next button.
Step 6
then click on this option to create your own Gmail address. Now enter your new Gmail adders here. once you have entered the new email address click on Next. if you want, you can click on any of the suggested emails above and click on the next option.
Step 7
Now Create a strong password for your Gmail account. Click on the next button.
Step 8
Now it's asking you to add your phone number so Scroll down. and if you want to add your phone number then click on Yes I am in otherwise click on skip. or if you want to open a Gmail account for others then enter the phone number of the person for whom you want to open a Gmail account here.
Step 9
then click on the next
Step 10
Scroll down and click on agree and that's it your Gmail account is now Created.

Author's Comment

So far we have learned how to create a new Gmail account for others. if you have any opinion about this please your comment. we publish such important info daily. if you want to get such important information daily then visit our website daily thank you.

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